
Showing posts from March, 2018

Why process this amateur stanza? Because life obviously ends.

What is life? Waiting Wondering Pondering Processing Pushing through the tough That just past you To make a better you This is what life is A cycle A process A brainstorm Sensations surrounding you Solving problems Sickening views Beautiful life we live Beckoning to us to keep going Boisterously pushing us to our Limits Last minutes Lacking love Only giving us loneliness Obstacles Opening the door to the Everlasting Evoking End.

Literature Presentation: Latin American Poet

I was asked to present the following to my World Literature class about any Latin American author, poet, or playwright after 1880: Pablo Neruda - Ode to My Socks Poem:

Not Experiment 10

Crazy Kingdom Travel Agency: Are you looking for your the vacation of your dreams? Well, Crazy Kingdom Tours  has the perfect place for you. It comes complete with a dark forbidden forrest and a full tour of the kingdom. A special viewing of a beheading within the King’s beheading chambers is included in the deluxe package. The chambers have a  lovely view of the valley, the village, the forbidden forrest AND the calling sea to which you can not see from the villages along the forrest line, which is where you will be staying! A tour of the forbidden forrest is typically running under the King’s nose as he has forbidden anyone from the forrest. You will be acquainted with a tour guide who will educate you on the mysterious creatures and the ingression history of why the forrest is forbidden. If you make it out of the forrest and you reach the calling sea, a sail boat will be made available for your escape. (Crazy Kingdom Tours is not responsible for any deaths, beheadings, o...

Experiment 9

Anthropomorphism: The toast excitedly jumped out of the toaster and played themselves onto the plate. “Hello plate, how are you today?” The plate answered, “I was swell until you burned my face.” The toast chuckled as butter was spread across his chest. “This is the life!” the toast proudly proclaimed.