Experiment 1

Experiment 1: Subway restaurant/ A phone that calls dead people

Her mother sat her down at the far end of the dining room table and her mother sat at the head of the table across from her. "It is time I tell you the truth of our family," the mother explained to her daughter. The girl had a puzzled look on her face. The mother went on to explain that their family posses powers which connected them to the "other side" and she was able to communicate with spirits and ghosts. Her mother handed her a new cell phone and said, "I want you to start using your powers to help the dead cross over through purgatory to their final resting place." The girl was confused and distraught by her mothers words. She wondered what she was supposed to do with this phone. She excused herself from the table and as she was stepping out of her house, her mother beckoned, "Expect a call on that phone today." And she closed the door behind her.

She had been craving Subway ever since she began her new "raw foods only" diet. So thats where she was headed, it was her cheat day after all. As she went through the line and ordered her food, the girl tried to forget her mothers words. By the time she was outside of Subway all she could think about was her delicious meatball sub and her bag of BBQ lays. "Mmm.." she though as her mouth watered with temptation. She found a table near by and sat down to eat her meal. The paper crackled as she unwrapped her submarine sandwich filled with moist and meaty meatballs, topped with globs of mozzarella cheese, on a soft Italian roll. She lifted her decadent sandwich to her salivating mouth.
She was just about to take a bite when her phone rang.
She hesitantly put her sandwich back down on the paper and picked up the ghost phone.
"Hello?" the girl answered skeptically.
And in a streaking, chill evoking, ear ringing, heart stopping voice; the other line replied, "Save us from our graves!"-- and the call ended.
the girl tried to call back but the shrill voice sent her to voicemail.
"You have reached the voicemail box of the underworld. Please call back later or leave a message and we may or may probably not get back to you," followed by a beep to record her message.
She swiftly hung up the phone.


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