
a young child laughing 
at me
because my hair is blonde and
my eyes are blue

eyes wide shut remembering the history
photos of my grandparents 
more Great’s than i could count
at the time
hung on the wall just out of the kitchen
where meals of barbecued carne
were served
in and out of the sliding door 
came little wet feet from the pool, through the kitchen
running past the pictures on the wall
near the couch
where my dad sits to braid my hair
like my grandmothers taught him

they learned from their tribe
women and men
tranquil and tender
willful and caring
they loved everyone

even the people who tore down their civilization
a young child laughing
kept laughing
at me

here stands my culture
with blond hair and
blue eyes


  1. *snap* *snap* *snap* -- my prof says you're the only one of his students from last year that still writes in her blog! He says you're awesome and he's right! Go girl! <3 Gwen


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