The Man and The Autumn Tree

A man and his wife have just wed. They move into a beautiful home together. Outside of their front yard is a tall oak tree. The trees leaves change and fall when the Autumn season comes around. The wife falls in love with the tree because it is so beautiful, the man despises this tree because the leaves always fall in their yard. The man and the woman spend every Autumn together raking the leaves and bagging them up.
The man and woman are old now, the woman is ill and asks her husband to spread her ashes under the tree after she passes. The man does as she wishes. 

One lonely Autumn season rolls around for the, now, widower. He goes out to the yard and attempts to clean up the leaves. Because he has no help, the man struggles to get the leaves cleaned up.To make matters worse, the wind begins to pick up. The man manages to rake the leaves into a pile. Annoyed, the old man goes inside to grab some trash bags, when he returns he sees that the yard is, once again, a mess.“Why do you blow your leaves into my yard?” he asks the tree outside his yard. The tree replies, “I am only the tree with the leaves, I can not help where my leaves go once the wind blows them off of me.” The old man is furious. He begins to rake the leaves again (the wind is calm at this time). Once the leaves are back in their piles, he walks over to the porch to grab his trans bags, he feels a breeze. He turns around to see that the leaves are across the yard again. The widower is furious. He rakes the leaves one last time, the wind is calm for a while now; the sun is setting and the air is getting colder. The old man manages to get the leaves into the trash bags only to realize  that he forgot the ties for the trash bags! He reluctantly goes back into the house, worried that wind will return, he hurries to get the ties. As he steps into the house, he hears the wind picking up again and he rushes back outside to save his bags from flying away. He was too late, the leaves were once again, littered across the yard. The man takes his anger out on the tree, “Why do you blow my leaves around?” he asks. “I am only the tree, yes i have leaves but, the wind is who you should be mad at, not I. I am only the tree at the mercy of the breeze.” 

He goes inside once more, furious and in need of a break. “In an hour Ill try again. This is not the end.”
The tree requests the animals around her to help the man. The animals begin to gather the leaves and put them into the bags and tie the bags up, they manage to finish just before the old man walks back outside. 
The man, “Oh my!… Thank you, Honey.” and begins to cry.
The End.


  1. I love the fable-like quality of this story. Good work!


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