My Dearest Salted Sea

To my dearest Salted Sea,
Your waves seem very angry tonight
I can see you putting up quite the fight
I can hear you calling louder and louder to me
The thrust of your waves exploding on the sand
A rush of salty air tickles my nose, what is wrong my salted sea?
You waves pull back like a swish of a beautiful woman’s 
Long hair, as the curls shy away from the shoulder
The waves grow smaller.
Are you listening to me?
For I worship thee,
Thee, the salty sea.

You deserve only the greatest respect:
As you should be worshiped, you are a majesty
Who holds wisdom greater than any man.
I crave the mist you spray when
Your waves crash along the shore
You sit on the edge of Earth waiting and 
Waiting for a sweet soul to call to you. Well,
Here I am, Salty Sea.
I call to thee and 
Can hear you calling to me.

I am stuck on the sand again with no way out to you
To the beauty that is the ocean; so deep and so blue,
Filled with creatures that only the imagination can see. You are
Growing flustered now that I can not sail away with you
Your fearsome waves crash down upon me
You missed.
I do insist that you continue calling to me
You are the great Sea
As salty as can be.
I admire your vastness,
You long for my company.

As the night comes near
You begin to fear
Your waves begin to grow and grow
Crashing harder than before, you are angrier now, louder too.
I am so sorry I must go, I love you. I shall see you soon
When the sun comes after this moon.
I will be here calling to thee
The greatest salted sea,

As you, my dearest Salted Sea, call back to me.


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