Love Game (working title)

Our eyes connected immediately, his were as green and deep as a roaring Forrest. The tension we created with just a stare was thicker than the snow on the ground. He knew I wanted him, just by looking at me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in. I could feel his heavy breath on my neck and with a trifling tone in his voice he whispered into my ear, “It’s nice to see you again, Victoria.” and kissed my cheek. My entire body lit up with passion. I began to fall into him and he stepped away. He flashed his dashing smile at me and I caught myself. “Not again,” I thought to myself. I shook off the lust and turned to my boss who was trying to ask me something, "Im sorry, what did you say, Mr. Davis?" "I said, who is your friend, Victoria?" Lost in the forrest of his eyes I could hardly say his name without orgasming, "Mr. Davis, this is..." and he stepped in to shake Mr. Davis' hand and introduced himself. "Covington, sir. Killian Covington." Impressed, Mr. Davis proudly shook Killian's hand, "Well, Mr. Covington, it is a great honor to finally meet you. I am so very grateful for the work your family has put into this company and..." as Mr. Davis continued to kiss the ass that I wish I could grope, I caught Killian slightly ignoring Mr. Davis and focusing on me, he smiled when he noticed me staring back. "Alright Mr Davis, it was great conversing with you. I hope you won't mind that I steal this lovely woman from you for a moment?" He was referencing to me, "Oh, not at all Mr. Covington. Please, enjoy the parting and your evening. It is a celebration of your father after all!" Mr. Davis said. Killian thanked my boss and offered his hand for me to take. I laid my hand on his and he gracefully whisked me to the dance floor. He twirled me around and his hand landed low on my waist and he pulled me in close to his body, I breathed in deeply to calm my passionate nerves from jumping his bones and then he whispered in my ear again, "You look stunningly beautiful tonight, Victoria." I melted as soon as he said my name, I struggled to respond. He had me under his spell and needed to snap out of it. I straightened myself because people were starting to stare at our obvious lust for each other. "How was London, Killian?" I asked in a stern tone, mostly trying to contain myself. "I know I had to leave on short notice, but I am back now. We can pick up where we left off, you don't need to be course with me, V." He called me V, my head was spinning. I needed water, or a shot of whiskey. We were waltzing faster now, people were definitely staring now. We were the stars of the Ball tonight as we so gracefully danced across the dance floor. Only lovers dance this perfectly together, a perfect waits is like making love to the your soul mate for the first time. I could tell he was trying to send a message to me and to the crowd that I was his... like nothing had changed. He was about to dip me when I stopped him. "Killian, I can't." He looked deep into my eyes with a sad sort of puppy dog look, "What is wrong, Victoria?" "You know what's wrong. I am not one of those women that you only see occasionally when you are in town. You know that. We can't just go back to the way things were. Things are different now." "Victoria..." I cut him off and emphasized, "I'm different now, Killian." The next thing I did was the hardest thing I have ever done, I kissed his cheek and walked away. He stood in the middle of the Ball room and sadly watched my walk out, he was completely oblivious to the crowd and he ran. I stepped into the elevator and pressed the number of the floor my room was on. Killian ran down the hall and searched for me. I pressed the 'close doors' button. He raced to the elevator to catch the doors. I looked up to see what had stopped them and Killian stepped into the elevator. He pressed the 'closed doors' button and then... something I never expected to happen, happened. He grabbed me and kissed me more passionately than he had ever before, "You're not the only one who is different now, Victoria." 


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