Sliver of Hope

darkness consumes my sight
only a sliver of light shines through the crack
of a door that glides like a boat on the ocean.
flesh vibrating,
of fear, maybe
of cold mostly.
the air blankets my skin 
wraps around me as i curl my knees to my chest, like
a sea dragon silently waiting and
clothes like seaweed dangling around me.
footsteps coming
coming down the hall.
heavy breathing
like a sharks theme song
he's hunting for me.

I hold my breath as silent as a fish
floating in space and time
begging for the storm to pass.
waiting to be found
for the shark to leave.
waiting for the shark to pass.
hoping the shark does not smell my sweet..
sweet peaches hang from the tree outside, 
I can see them through the crack
and a shadow closes that sliver of light.
my head peers up.

the sharks haunting eye peers through 
where my sliver of hope used to shine.


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