
the sepia kitchen matches the memory
as vintage as the feelings in my soul
watching him stomp in
filling the air with anger
stomping from the front door 
I watched him all the way to the backyard
when something on the off-white
cracked as my soul 
on the counter top
catches my wide blue eyes

it could oink it was so fat with pennies

across my face
a smile 
that could stretch from coast to coast
where is surfed on a wave of emotions
Wait daddy, whats that?
another smile, 
so sweet and blissful
warmth from the window
illuminating this fat copper tank
a tank so round and cute 
and so very very impossibly
wildly delicate
all at the same time

like my heart

the little copper pork chop
was stuffed to the brim
honey colored glass
matched my vintage dreams
remembering your smile
and mine
as the sun shines hue
these are my sepia painted memories

of you


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